Using IEditableObject In Silverlight

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-01-14 03:11:34


I have a object that implements the IEditableObject interface exposed on a viewmodel bound to a Silverlight page.

How/Where do I call the BeginEdit, CancelEdit and EndEdit methods? How can I constrain only objects implementing this interface to my page?

I am NOT using DataGrid or DataForm controls. I am using Label, TextBox and DescriptionViewer controls to display the data for editing.


I know this is an old thread (but for the sake of future use...)

I do it this way:

whenever the current item (for instance of a CollectionViewSource) changes this is done:

void View_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (culturesView.Source != null)


Whenever i want to save (the current item) i do this:

 private void Save()
//do the actual saving to the dbms here ....


Whenever i want to cancel (current changes) i do this:

private void Cancel()
            //allthough we have canceled the editing we have to re-enable the edit mode (because
            //the user may want to edit the selected record again)


Hope it helps someone in the future!

