How do I resolve a short type name to a full type name in a Macro

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-01-14 01:57:59


Inside a macro is there a way of using the current Context to fully expand a type name? Eg something like:

context.resolveShortTypeNameToFullTypeName("Foo") = "com.acme.Foo"


Your macro might expand in a tree that includes an arbitrary import prefix.Foo, so you're asking if you can query that enclosing tree: If I emit a name Foo, how would you typecheck it?

symbol.fullName is your answer.

val t = c.typeCheck(q"??? : Foo").tpe.typeSymbol.fullName

or use c.typecheck in 2.11.

or, if you can't find the scaladoc...

val k = c.asInstanceOf[scala.reflect.macros.contexts.Context]
locally {
  import k.universe._
  val n = k.callsiteTyper.typed(q"??? : Foo").tpe.typeSymbol.fullName

Where is Travis Brown Eugene Burmakro [sic] when you need him?

