I am just learning grails and have a problem with an app that works fine when I run it in Netbeans but shows strange behavior when deployed to Tomcat 7.0.22 on a Centos 5.4 server. I am using the proxy_ajp to make the app available with apache.
The problem seems to be with the session not being maintained after a redirect so that I lose the login information causing the app to try to login again.
My proxy_ajp settings are
<Location /PreyerBooks >
ProxyPass ajp://localhost:8011/PreyerBooks
ProxyPassReverse ajp://localhost:8011/PreyerBooks
the app is deploying without errors and the connectivity to the database and LDAP is working. I tested this by logging in the authenticate method as follows
UserController - authentication function
def authenticate = {
def password=passhash(params.password)
log.info " login attempt ${params.login} - ${params.password} - ${password}"
def match = User.findAll(
directory: "user",
filter: "(&(uid=${params.login})(userpassword=${password}))"
log.info " match ${match}"
if (match) {
def user = Employee.findByLogin(params.login)
log.info " user ${user} - ${user?.role}"
session.user = user
log.info "success"
flash.message = "Hello ${user.firstname}!"
redirect(controller:"Book", action:"index")
log.error "failed login attempt mismatch to ldap ${params.login}"
flash.message = "Sorry, ${params.login}. Please try again."
log.error "failed login attempt ${params.login} - ${params.password}"
flash.message = "Sorry, ${params.login}. Please try again."
BookController - auth function (checks if logged in)
def beforeInterceptor = [action:this.&auth, except:[]]
def auth() {
log.info "BookController:auth() ${session}"
if(!session.user) {
redirect(controller:"User", action:"login")
return false
log.info "BookController:auth() working"
return true
The log shows
INFO books.UserController - login attempt username - password - passwordhash
INFO books.UserController - match [de.preyer.books.User@d4a1cc]
INFO books.UserController - user username - admin
INFO books.UserController - success
INFO books.BookController - BookController:auth() Session Content:
The session.user variable has vanished. I checked the passwordhash and it correctly matches against the LDAP server (hence the object reference in match). This user is correctly found in the database where it gains its role.
I cannot access the app directly avoiding the apache ajp as the port is blocked in the firewall and I cannot open it. Thus I cannot test if the problem is in the ajp or tomcat in general
I have tried searching for the criteria specified as the title but find nothing relevant.
a) browser cookies are enabled and working, I tried Safari, Firefox and Chrome without success. I do not think this is a browser issue as the same browsers work with the app in NetBeans (using jetty I think)
b) I have set grails.serverURL = "http://servername/PreyerBooks"
to the fully qualified domain
If I turn of the auth the app works.
I must be doing something wrong or have missed a step in the deployment.
Now I know I can include a plugin using Spring Core but this is overkill for my application and adds a further level of complexity to the debugging. I wish to get the current implementation working before moving on. The logic is copied from the Grails 2.1.0 documentation so it should work.
I read in httpSession that things must be serializable but if the example in the documentation does not work why does the app work when I run it in NetBeans?
I am at a loss. Any help would be much appreciated.
Use the spring-security-core plugin (or Shiro, or any established, proven security implementation). It's not complex, and rolling your own security is a quick path to getting hacked.