Where is the C/C++ iTunes API? (not COM!) [closed]

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-01-13 11:33:53


I'm searching for the iTunes C/C++ API for creating plugins using dynamic libraries, but I just can't find it. I am not asking for the COM Interface.

Open-Source plugins like VizKit and iTunes Toaster use it, and the source files I search for (iTunesApi.h/.c, iTunesVisualAPI.h) are included, but I'd rather get the source from an official repository instead of that kind of "workaround". Also, a documentation would be nice.


I'd guess both of those use the Visualizer plugin SDK.


Just found this link. Very useful stuff in there, too. I wonder why it isn't contained in the package Jerry Coffin posted.


The iTunes Visual Plug-ins SDK can now be found in the Downloads section of the Apple Developers website. However, you need to have an Apple Developer account to access this section (you can register one for free).

