I want to make a candlestick chart which reads stream of data and then plot it (so it will be plotting either as data comes or after certain period it will update the previous plot).
I do not want to use any third party software as Jfree chart want it to be build from javafx directly.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
Edit :
Can anyone tell me how stage.show() works like which class which method it involke.
The Ensemble application includes a candlestick chart implementation for JavaFX.
Download the sample Ensemble (Java 7) source or the Ensemble (Java 8) source from Oracle.
Ensemble is Oracle BSD licensed, so you are free to use it as you wish.
In case it may help, I have extracted from Ensemble source code a minimal code for AdvCandleStickChart: https://gist.github.com/Nicolas56/e02b29431b820d7c8c218c804f0269b0 There are only two files: .java and .css, which form together a stand-alone application
I have tried the ensemble example myself and customized. It does not perform well over 1000 bars. At least when your moving the 1000 bars and figure that out. Which is a huge shock since I wrote the same thing in swing a while ago with stellar performance.
I would recommend rolling your own in fx.