- 1、用户
- 查看当前用户的缺省表空间
- SQL>select username,default_tablespace from user_users;
- 查看当前用户的角色
- SQL>select * from user_role_privs;
- 查看当前用户的系统权限和表级权限
- SQL>select * from user_sys_privs;
- SQL>select * from user_tab_privs;
- 显示当前会话所具有的权限
- SQL>select * from session_privs;
- 显示指定用户所具有的系统权限
- SQL>select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee='GAME';
- 2、表
- 查看用户下所有的表
- SQL>select * from user_tables;
- 查看名称包含log字符的表
- SQL>select object_name,object_id from user_objects
- where instr(object_name,'LOG')>0;
- 查看某表的创建时间
- SQL>select object_name,created from user_objects where object_name=upper('&table_name');
- 查看某表的大小
- SQL>select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024) as "size(M)" from user_segments
- where segment_name=upper('&table_name');
- 查看放在ORACLE的内存区里的表
- SQL>select table_name,cache from user_tables where instr(cache,'Y')>0;
- 3、索引
- 查看索引个数和类别
- SQL>select index_name,index_type,table_name from user_indexes order by table_name;
- 查看索引被索引的字段
- SQL>select * from user_ind_columns where index_name=upper('&index_name');
- 查看索引的大小
- SQL>select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024) as "size(M)" from user_segments
- where segment_name=upper('&index_name');
- 4、序列号
- 查看序列号,last_number是当前值
- SQL>select * from user_sequences;
- 5、视图
- 查看视图的名称
- SQL>select view_name from user_views;
- 查看创建视图的select语句
- SQL>set view_name,text_length from user_views;
- SQL>set long 2000; 说明:可以根据视图的text_length值设定set long 的大小
- SQL>select text from user_views where view_name=upper('&view_name');
- 6、同义词
- 查看同义词的名称
- SQL>select * from user_synonyms;
- 7、约束条件
- 查看某表的约束条件
- SQL>select constraint_name, constraint_type,search_condition, r_constraint_name
- from user_constraints where table_name = upper('&table_name');
- SQL>select c.constraint_name,c.constraint_type,cc.column_name
- from user_constraints c,user_cons_columns cc
- where c.owner = upper('&table_owner') and c.table_name = upper('&table_name')
- and c.owner = cc.owner and c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_name
- order by cc.position;
- 8、存储函数和过程
- 查看函数和过程的状态
- SQL>select object_name,status from user_objects where object_type='FUNCTION';
- SQL>select object_name,status from user_objects where object_type='PROCEDURE';
- 查看函数和过程的源代码
- SQL>select text from all_source where owner=user and name=upper('&plsql_name');