Is it possible to make Vim complete the code for you, like in any other IDE (not just word searching, but members of classes, methods etc.)?
What are the best options / plugins available?
It's possible, but most people don't.
vim is a fairly generic editor, that said, it does contain some "code completion" features such as word completion, etcetera, but nothing like the likes of, say, Delphi's IDE.
Such a system could be added by scripting vim - vim can directly run several scripting languages that make this easy, or you could send the file through an external script.
Clang Complete lets you use Clang for accurate auto-completion of C and C++
I believe that following this list of links you will be able to leave any IDE and become a faithful user of vim, see some plugins that help you with IDE resources...
- snipMate plugin faster code complete skels
- video showing snipmate on vimeo
- article about sparkup html codding to understand this resource
- video showing sparkup html complete to see this in action
- Auto complete popup plugin here
- Advanced undo resource
- some interesting videos on advanced usage of vim on vimeo
- more free videos at vimcasts.org
- amazing article about vim in this link
- vim for php programmers (useful not only for php programmers) here
This is a little out dated. A rising star in Vim code completion is the "YouCompleteMe" plugin. Check it out here.
Omni completion is definitely the way to go. Instantiate it in insert mode with Ctrl+X Ctrl+O.
I use it in conjunction with SuperTab as well to allow for tab completion similar to bash shell.
Don't use it myself but I have heard of Omni complete:
The Vim Wiki contains a couple of things that may be of use for auto completion of words.
You can try this out Dictionary completions, get dictionary for you language. Simple ways
if you are programming in c++, there are ctag and cscope and with OmniCppComplete plugin.
Hope it will help