How to do numerical multiple integral (more than triple) by using Matlab?
For example, I have a function,Y = Func. It has 5 var. Hence, Y= func(a,b,c,d,e). If I want to do the integration with respect to a,b,c,d,e. (var a is the first one, e is the last one.) And region of a = [0 ,b] (this is a function handle), b = [0,c], c= [0.d], d= [0,e], e=[0, Inf].
Now, here is my 'real' question. The code is below
%%%==== just some parameters ====
la1=1/(pi*500^2); la2= la1*5;
p1=25; p2=p1/25;
syms r u1 u2 u3 u4 u5
index = -2;
powe= index ;
seta= 10^powe;
xNor = ( (u5./u1).^(a./2)+ (u5./u2).^(a./2) + (u5./u3).^(a./2)+ (u5./u4).^(a./2) + 1 ).^(2./a);
x = (xNor).^(0.5) * seta^(-1/a);
%%%==== parameters end ====
fun1 = r./(1+ r.^a );
out1 = int(fun1, x, Inf) ;
out1fcn = matlabFunction(out1); %%===Convert symbolicto function handle
y = @(u5,u4,u3,u2,u1) exp(-u3.*(1+2.*... %%<== in method 3, replace as 'y= exp(-u3.*(1+2.*...'
( out1fcn )./... %%<== in method 3, replace as '( out1 )./...'
( (( (u5./u1).^(a./2)+ (u5./u2).^(a./2) + (u5./u3).^(a./2)+ (u5./u4).^(a./2) + 1 ).^(2./a)).*seta.^(-2./a)))).*...
exp(-sgma2.*q.^(-a./2).* seta.*u3.^(a./2)./...
((( (u5./u1).^(a./2)+ (u5./u2).^(a./2) + (u5./u3).^(a./2)+ (u5./u4).^(a./2) + 1 ).^(2./a)).^(a./2)) );
%%%=== method 1, not working ============ upper ,lower bound should be a number
% y1 = integral( y ,0,@(u2) u2);
% y2 = integral( y1 ,0,@(u3) u3);
% y3 = integral( y2 ,0,@(u4) u4);
% y4 = integral( y3 ,0, Inf);
%%%=== method 2, not working, y1 is already wrong ===============
%%%Undefined function 'minus' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'.
% y1 = quad( y ,0,@(u2) u2);
% y2 = quad( y1 ,0,@(u3) u3);
% y3 = quad( y2 ,0,@(u4) u4);
% y4 = quad( y3 ,0, Inf);
%%%=== method 3. not working, DOUBLE cannot convert the input expression into a double array. ==============
% y1 = int( y ,0,@(u2) u2);
% y2 = int( y1 ,0,@(u3) u3);
% y3 = int( y2 ,0,@(u4) u4);
% y4 = int( y3 ,0, Inf);
% y5 = double(y4)
A Google search showed that it is possible that by 2011 there was no standard numerical option available. This is a library you could consider. Finally, how about using Monte Carlo?
It would depend on if your function is defined symbolically or otherwise. However, if it is defined symbolically then five nested int functions would do the trick.