I got this code working for my app's search box, unfortunately when it search or filters, it checks every row on the database and then when the searched word is found, it will display it on the tlabels,
procedure Tspcb.dccolbtnClick(Sender: TObject);
while not zdctable.EOF do
if (zdctable.FieldByName('Collector').AsString = dcedit.Text)
then begin
cn.Caption := zdctable.FieldByName('Client_Name').AsString;
col.Caption := zdctable.FieldByName('Collector').AsString;
pay.Caption := zdctable.FieldByName('Daily_Payment').AsString;
date.Caption := zdctable.FieldByName('Date').AsString;
ddate.Caption := zdctable.FieldByName('Due_Date').AsString;
id.Caption := zdctable.FieldByName('ID').AsString;
la.Caption := zdctable.FieldByName('Loan').AsString;
tc.Caption := zdctable.FieldByName('Total_Collectibles').AsString;
ShowMessage('click ok for next profile');
what i want to do is for it to check rows that has the searched word on it, and not searching every row in the database.
i need help on analyzing this code, im just a beginner who is learning how to use delphi 7 and to program.
thank you
The problem basically is with the line
if (zdctable.FieldByName('Collector').AsString = dcedit.Text)
Here you're looking for equality, so you're never going to be able to match partial strings. I suggest that you change your query (ie zdctable) so that it looks something like this
select * from zdctable
where collector like :p1
Your program would then be
zdctable.params[0].asstring:= '%' + dcedit.text + '%';
If your table is linked to a grid via a datasource, then all the matching records will be displayed; there will be no need to extract each field and show it in a different label. If you want to show one record at a time with a navigator, then turn your labels into dbtext components which are linked to the dataset; if these components are set up correctly then each field in your dataset will be displayed in a different dbText component.
Another possibility is using the 'locate' method. If I convert your statement to use 'locate', then you have written the equivalent of
zdctable.locate ('collector', dcedit.text, [])
In order to locate partial matches, you would need to write
zdctable.locate ('collector', dcedit.text, [loPartialKey])