
Is it possible to use arguments with firebird events : POST_EVENT 'event_name' + string args?

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-02-18 08:19:45
问题 I've a trigger that detects a change on a field PHONE_EXT and POSTs an EVENT. I would like to post the Phone_ID with the event in order to use this ID in the client. Is this possible? How? CREATE TRIGGER tr2 FOR employee ACTIVE AFTER UPDATE POSITION 0 AS BEGIN IF (new.PHONE_EXT <> old.PHONE_EXT) THEN POST_EVENT 'phone_ext_changed'; <-- I would like to pass a string parameter with record ID END 回答1: AFAIK, you cannot pass parameters, but you can get what you want with one of this ideas: If in

[开源] .Net ORM FreeSql 1.10.0 稳步向前

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-02-15 03:54:30
写在 开头 FreeSql 是 .NET 开源生态下的 ORM 轮子,转眼快两年了,说真的开源不容易(只有经历过才明白)。今天带点干货和湿货给大家,先说下湿货。 认识我的人,知道 CSRedisCore 是我写的另外一个开源组件,这个项目是 2016 年从 ctstone/csredis 项目 clone 到自己工作的项目中,修改源码经过一年多生产考验,于 2017 年发布开源 ctstone/csredis 项目于 2014 年停止了更新,到我手里完善的功能如下: 连接池 哨兵高可用 集群 redis 2.8 以上的版本命令补充,包括 Geo、Stream 通讯协议 bug 修复 暂时想到的只有这些,之后可能再补充。FreeSql 文章标题为什么要来说 csredis? 这两年的时间里 95% 精力都用在了 FreeSql 上面, 5400+ 单元测试、支持十几种数据库适配,渣男辜负了 csredis 这个项目。最近一个多月开源圈子的奇葩事接二连三,居然有人跑去 ctstone/csredis 原作者的 issues 告我的状,这个告状的人还是 NOPI 原作者,因为当初他自己不维护 NPOI .NET Core 版本了,社区有好人把 .NET Core 版本测试做好了开源(dotnetcore/NPOI)

[开源] .Net ORM FreeSql 1.10.0 稳步向前

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-14 18:59:35
写在 开头 FreeSql 是 .NET 开源生态下的 ORM 轮子,转眼快两年了,说真的开源不容易(只有经历过才明白)。今天带点干货和湿货给大家,先说下湿货。 认识我的人,知道 CSRedisCore 是我写的另外一个开源组件,这个项目是 2016 年从 ctstone/csredis 项目 clone 到自己工作的项目中,修改源码经过一年多生产考验,于 2017 年发布开源 ctstone/csredis 项目于 2014 年停止了更新,到我手里完善的功能如下: 连接池 哨兵高可用 集群 redis 2.8 以上的版本命令补充,包括 Geo、Stream 通讯协议 bug 修复 暂时想到的只有这些,之后可能再补充。FreeSql 文章标题为什么要来说 csredis? 这两年的时间里 95% 精力都用在了 FreeSql 上面, 5400+ 单元测试、支持十几种数据库适配,渣男辜负了 csredis 这个项目。最近一个多月开源圈子的奇葩事接二连三,居然有人跑去 ctstone/csredis 原作者的 issues 告我的状,这个告状的人还是 NOPI 原作者,因为当初他自己不维护 NPOI .NET Core 版本了,社区有好人把 .NET Core 版本测试做好了开源(dotnetcore/NPOI)

Encoding mismatch in connection and Python

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-02-11 14:38:36
问题 I am having some troubles getting my Firebird connection to work, and it all seems related to encodings. I am connecting to the database like this ( local_copy is /path/to/database.fdb ): conn = fdb.connect(dsn=local_copy, user='****', password='****', charset="ISO8859_1") which only works for certain charsets. I need to have the ISO8859_1 charset, which worked before, but not anymore (perhaps because of an update). Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 10, in <module> conn

Delphi Firedac Scripts and Exclamation Mark

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2021-02-11 13:21:45
问题 I experienced a strange behaviour in Firedac (Delphi 10.3.3) against Firebird 3.04. The following statement insert into icds(id,title) values (55,'!M01.0;M02.6;M03.5'); creates a record in the database like this id title -- ------------- 55 .0;M02.6;M03.5 when run with the fdScript component. If I run the same script with any database IDE, the record is created correctly (same database, same Server). It is defintively related to the exclamation mark because if I replace replace '!' by '?' the

Delphi Firedac Scripts and Exclamation Mark

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-02-11 13:21:15
问题 I experienced a strange behaviour in Firedac (Delphi 10.3.3) against Firebird 3.04. The following statement insert into icds(id,title) values (55,'!M01.0;M02.6;M03.5'); creates a record in the database like this id title -- ------------- 55 .0;M02.6;M03.5 when run with the fdScript component. If I run the same script with any database IDE, the record is created correctly (same database, same Server). It is defintively related to the exclamation mark because if I replace replace '!' by '?' the

Foreign key reference target does not exist

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-10 16:57:22
问题 I need to synchronize data in two tables from different Firebird databases. Precisely, I need to update records in table Person (1st DB), using records from table Users (2nd DB). Not only "name", "email", "birthday", but ID also (!). The problem is - there are tables, that depend on Person's IDs through FOREIGN KEY Constraint. I'm trying to do this: Drop Foreign Key constraints in dependent tables. Sync two tables (which means renewing/changing IDs in table Person) Change appropriate IDs in

Firebird Shadow on a shared folder (windows os)

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-02-08 10:24:14
问题 I'm using isql command to create a shadow file on a shared windows folder! is this the right command? SQL> create shadow 5 AUTO '\\bma-pc\shadows\PERSO5.SHD'; Statement failed, SQLSTATE = HY000 unsuccessful metadata update -A node name is not permitted in a secondary, shadow, cache or log file name It's fine on a local folder 回答1: Firebird prohibits this by default. It's primarily because it cannot guarantee exclusive access or the order of writes. Look for the RemoteFileOpenAbility option in

Django-firebird can not work

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-08 03:10:20
问题 I downloaded the folder and put it into C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\django\contrib\gis\db\backends\firebird ,but when I use it,give me a error:django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: 'firebird' isn't an available database backend. Try using `django.db.backends.XXX, where XXX is one of: 'dummy', 'mysql', 'oracle', 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'sqlite3' Error was: No module named firebird.base I have already write the path into PYTHONPATH . How can I get this to work? 回答1: Use Django 1.3 (or

Django-firebird can not work

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-08 03:09:51
问题 I downloaded the folder and put it into C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\django\contrib\gis\db\backends\firebird ,but when I use it,give me a error:django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: 'firebird' isn't an available database backend. Try using `django.db.backends.XXX, where XXX is one of: 'dummy', 'mysql', 'oracle', 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'sqlite3' Error was: No module named firebird.base I have already write the path into PYTHONPATH . How can I get this to work? 回答1: Use Django 1.3 (or