How can u get my webworks app to pop open the blackberry 10 share panel?
Ex: open a website in the browser, click the overflow button and then click share
Thank you!
You'll want to look at the invokeTargetPicker API.
Essentially, you create a request
var request = {
action: 'bb.action.SHARE',
// for a file
uri: 'file://' + path,
// for text you'd use 'data'
data: 'I am awesome',
target_type: ["APPLICATION", "VIEWER", "CARD"]
Then you call the API
blackberry.invoke.card.invokeTargetPicker(request, "Your Title",
// success callback
function() {
// error callback
function(e) {
console.log('error: ' + e);
API Documentation is available here: https://developer.blackberry.com/html5/apis/blackberry.invoke.card.html#.invokeTargetPicker
I wrote a sample app, which you can test out on our GitHub repo: https://github.com/ctetreault/BB10-WebWorks-Samples/tree/master/ShareTargets
This should be an option that appears on any link, image or Text: "Share". Is the item not present in the Cross Cut menu shown?