SilverStripe 3.1+ Dynamically creating page redirects

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-01-07 02:01:13


I have a page type 'ProductPage', it has tabs that are navigated to like so:




I'd like for redirects to be created when each new product page is created so that if you navigated /ProductPageUrlSegment/video it goes to /ProductPageUrlSegment/?tab=video

and the same for all tabs. I'm not clear if I should be using Routing or redirection

I have a link function for another project which goes to the parent page

public function Link() {
    return $this->Parent()->Link() . '#' . $this->URLSegment;

Mine would be something like:

public function LinkVideo() {
    return $this->Link()->'/?=video' . '#' . $this->URLSegment->'/video';

I don't have the knowledge to work this out so any guidance appreciated.


This will achieve the above, by handling the URL as an action and then redirecting to the same page, but with the get variable set...

class ProductPage extends Page {


class ProductPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {

    private static $allowed_actions = array(

    public function video() {
    public function audio() {
    public function photos() {

