Eclipse Android SDK slow Content Assist performance

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-11-27 12:09:11

After a google search

I have been able to find the bug report from Eclipse.

In short:

Caution: There are known issues with the ADT plugin running with Eclipse 3.6. Please stay on 3.5 until further notice.

  • To fix it, you will have to use Eclipse 3.5 and put your project in a newly created workspace. (If you keep the workspace from Eclipse 3.6, the problem will occur even on Eclipse 3.5.)
Brad Hein

A Work-around procedure is presented in comment#8 at this URL:


I'm coding against Froyo, and my target SdkVersion is 7 (AndroidManifest.xml). So for step 1, I downloaded this file:

And then for step 2, I extracted the base/ directory of that .tgz file into my SDK path, which I install under /opt/android-sdk-linux_x86/. So here's the command I executed against the tgz to put everything where it goes:

tar -vzxf base-froyo.tar.gz -C /opt/android-sdk-linux_x86/platforms/android-7/sources/ base/

The end goal appears to be to place the actual sources into the "sources" folder in the SDK tree, so that when the auto-correct goes out looking for them, they are there.

snpe60 describes it more clearly:

Comment 7 by snpe60, Oct 14, 2010 This issue is happen because the ADT classpath container have an invalid source attachment by default. It is fixed in This change enables changing the ADT clasppath container's source attachment and disables setting invalid source attachment. Hoping it will be available in ADT 8.0.0.

This is much better Eclipse autocompletion problem
