In the oracle database there is a schema. Inside schema there is a package which contains different methods. How to retrieve the metadata of the procedure using getProcedureColumn() function in DatabaseMetaDataclass?
I have tried to get metadata using getProcedureColumns(catalog,schemaname,procedurename,columnnamepattern)
it works fine when the procedure is located inside a schema. When a procedure is located inside a package in a schema it is not retrieving.
This will print out all the column information for a specific procedure in a package. Change parameters with real values.
DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@<server>:<port>:<sid>", "<username>", "<password>");
DatabaseMetaData metadata = conn.getMetaData();
String packageName = "<your package name>";
String schemaName = "<schema name>";
String procedureName = "<procedure name>";
ResultSet rs = metadata.getProcedureColumns(
while(rs.next()) {
// get stored procedure metadata
String procedureCatalog = rs.getString(1);
String procedureSchema = rs.getString(2);
procedureName = rs.getString(3);
String columnName = rs.getString(4);
short columnReturn = rs.getShort(5);
int columnDataType = rs.getInt(6);
String columnReturnTypeName = rs.getString(7);
int columnPrecision = rs.getInt(8);
int columnByteLength = rs.getInt(9);
short columnScale = rs.getShort(10);
short columnRadix = rs.getShort(11);
short columnNullable = rs.getShort(12);
String columnRemarks = rs.getString(13);
System.out.println("stored Procedure name="+procedureName);
System.out.println("procedureCatalog=" + procedureCatalog);
System.out.println("procedureSchema=" + procedureSchema);
System.out.println("procedureName=" + procedureName);
System.out.println("columnName=" + columnName);
System.out.println("columnReturn=" + columnReturn);
System.out.println("columnDataType=" + columnDataType);
System.out.println("columnReturnTypeName=" + columnReturnTypeName);
System.out.println("columnPrecision=" + columnPrecision);
System.out.println("columnByteLength=" + columnByteLength);
System.out.println("columnScale=" + columnScale);
System.out.println("columnRadix=" + columnRadix);
System.out.println("columnNullable=" + columnNullable);
System.out.println("columnRemarks=" + columnRemarks);