Count days between two segments

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-01-06 08:03:31


I have two tables below. I want to count the number of days, Monday-Friday only between Hire_dt and end of calendar month the hire date falls under.


Hire_DT         Id
 09/26/2018     1


Date         WorkDay(M-F)      EOM        WorkDay
09/26/2018     Wednesday       9/30/2018    1
09/27/2018     Thursday        09/30/2018   1
09/28/2018     Friday          09/30/2018   1
09/29/2018     Saturday        09/30/2018   0
09/30/2018     Sunday          09/30/2018   0

Expected Results

Hire_dt        WorkDaysEndMonth   WorkDaysEndMonth --counting hire_dt
 09/26/2018         2                 3


Here is one way to do the calculation - WITHOUT using a calendar table. The only input data is what comes from your first table (ID and HIRE_DATE), which I included in a WITH clause (not part of the query that answers your question!). Everything else is calculated. I show how to compute the number of days INCLUDING the hire date; if you don't need that, subtract 1 at the end.

TRUNC(<date>, 'iw') is the Monday of the week of <date>. The query computes how many days are in the EOM week, between Monday and EOM, but no more than 5 (in case EOM may be a Saturday or Sunday). It does a similar calculation for HIRE_DATE, but it counts the days from Monday to HIRE_DATE excluding HIRE_DATE. The last part is adding 5 days for each full week between the Monday of HIRE_DATE and the Monday of EOM.

  sample_data(id, hire_date) as (
    select 1, to_date('09/26/2018', 'mm/dd/yyyy') from dual union all
    select 2, to_date('07/10/2018', 'mm/dd/yyyy') from dual
select id, to_char(hire_date, 'Dy mm/dd/yyyy')                      as hire_date,
       to_char(eom, 'Dy mm/dd/yyyy')                                as eom,
       least(5, eom - eom_mon + 1) - least(5, hire_date - hire_mon)
       + (eom_mon - hire_mon) * 5 / 7                               as workdays
from   (
         select id, hire_date, last_day(hire_date) as eom,
                trunc(hire_date, 'iw')             as hire_mon,
                trunc(last_day(hire_date), 'iw')   as eom_mon
         from   sample_data

        ID HIRE_DATE               EOM                       WORKDAYS
---------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------
         1 Wed 09/26/2018          Sun 09/30/2018                   3
         2 Tue 07/10/2018          Tue 07/31/2018                  16


You may use the following routine ( where last_day function is a great contributor ):

SQL> alter session set NLS_TERRITORY="AMERICA";
SQL> create table TableA( ID int, Hire_DT date );
SQL> insert into TableA values(1,date'2018-09-26');

SQL> select sum(case when mod(to_char(myDate,'D'),7) <= 1 then 0 else 1 end )
         as "WorkDaysEndMonth"
         select Hire_DT + level - 1 myDate
           from TableA
          where ID = 1
        connect by level <= last_day(Hire_DT) - Hire_DT + 1


P.S. integer value comes from to_char(<date>,'D') depends on the NLS_TERRITORY setting. Here I used AMERICA for which Saturday is the 7th and Sunday is the 1st day, while for UNITED KINGDOM(or my country TURKEY) setting those are 6th and 7th respectively.

Rextester Demo

