I am attempting to join two tables and also get a SUM and COUNT. I need to get the SUM QTY from history table and COUNT SN for each PN and LOC from rota table.
History table:
create table history (
code int(10) primary key,
PN varchar(10) not null,
LOC varchar(10) not null,
Qty int(10) not null);
insert into history values (1, 'T1', 'AAA', 1);
insert into history values (2, 'A1', 'BBB', 2);
insert into history values (3, 'J1', 'CCC', 3);
insert into history values (4, 'A2', 'AAA', 1);
insert into history values (5, 'J2', 'BBB', 2);
insert into history values (6, 'A3', 'CCC', 3);
insert into history values (7, 'J3', 'AAA', 4);
insert into history values (8, 'T1', 'BBB', 5);
insert into history values (9, 'A1', 'CCC', 1);
insert into history values (10, 'J2', 'AAA', 3);
insert into history values (11, 'J2', 'BBB', 4);
insert into history values (12, 'A1', 'CCC', 3);
insert into history values (13, 'J2', 'AAA', 5);
Rota table
create table rota (
code int(10) primary key,
PN varchar(10) not null,
SN varchar(10) not null,
LOC varchar(10) not null);
insert into rota values (1, 'T1', 't1a', 'AAA');
insert into rota values (2, 'A1', 'a1a', 'BBB');
insert into rota values (3, 'J1', 'j1a', 'CCC');
insert into rota values (4, 'A2', 'a2a', 'AAA');
insert into rota values (5, 'J2', 'j2a', 'BBB');
insert into rota values (6, 'A3', 'a3a', 'CCC');
insert into rota values (7, 'J3', 'j3a', 'AAA');
insert into rota values (8, 'T1', 't1b', 'BBB');
insert into rota values (9, 'A1', 'a1b', 'CCC');
insert into rota values (10, 'J2', 'j2b', 'AAA');
insert into rota values (11, 'J2', 'j2c', 'BBB');
insert into rota values (12, 'A1', 'a1c', 'CCC');
insert into rota values (13, 'J2', 'j2d', 'AAA');
insert into rota values (14, 'J2', 'j2e', 'AAA');
insert into rota values (15, 'J2', 'j2f', 'AAA');
The desired result is the following table
A1 BBB 2 1
A1 CCC 4 2
A2 AAA 1 1
A3 CCC 3 1
J1 CCC 3 1
J2 AAA 8 4
J2 BBB 6 2
J3 AAA 4 1
T1 AAA 1 1
T1 BBB 5 1
Use sub-queries like so:
select a.pn, a.loc, a.q, b.c from
(select h.pn, h.loc, sum(qty) q from history h group by h.pn, h.loc) a
(select r.pn, r.loc, count(sn) c from rota r group by r.pn, r.loc) b
on a.pn = b.pn and a.loc = b.loc
order by a.pn;
(tried it on Oracle, don't have MySQL available right now, but it should work fine or with minor adaptations)