i have written a template tag some time ago which has the feature to collapse a textblock after 15 words. Now i want the exact opposite thing. i want that the user is able to get back to the original 15 words collapsed text after opening the collapsed textblock...
i know sounds a bit wired.
from django import template
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
register = template.Library()
import re
readmore_showscript = ''.join([
"return false;",
def readmore(txt, showwords=15):
global readmore_showscript
words = re.split(r' ', escape(txt))
if len(words) <= showwords:
return txt
# wrap the more part
words.insert(showwords, '<span class="more" style="display:none;">')
# insert the readmore part
words.insert(showwords, '<span class="readmore">... <a href="#" onclick="')
words.insert(showwords+1, readmore_showscript)
words.insert(showwords+2, '">more</a>')
words.insert(showwords+3, '</span>')
# Wrap with <p>
words.insert(0, '<p>')
return mark_safe(' '.join(words))
readmore.is_safe = True