I know you can strip units from numbers in SASS when you know the unit before-hand like this:
$number: 16px;
$without-unit: 16px / 1px;
@warn $without-unit; // 16
But is it possible to strip the unit from a number without knowing what the unit is first?
@function strip-unit($number) {
// magic code here...
@warn strip-unit(16px); // 16
UPDATE: You should never actually need to use this function. Sass math is very smart about units, and I have never seen a use-case in which stripping units was a better option than simply using correct math to get what you need. See the Sass issue thread where this has been discussed at length.
It's a clever function, but if you ever feel like using it, there's probably a problem with your math. Don't fall back on this function. Fix your math instead.
You need to divide by 1 of the same unit. If you use unit()
, you get a string instead of a number, but if you multiply by zero and add 1, you have what you need:
@function strip-units($number) {
@return $number / ($number * 0 + 1);
That works. strip-units(13.48cm)
will return 13.48
I think you'd have to add a custom Ruby function to strip the units (see the documentation on adding custom functions). It would look something like this, I think (warning, untested):
module Sass::Script::Functions
def strip_units(num)
assert_type num, :Number