how to make client connect to ratchet on live server?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-01-06 01:31:07


I've googled about this for so many days and till now the client (browsers) cannot connect to the server.

But the server can run. I think its because its connected to itself(localhost).

I did find ratchet documentation which says:

If you want to open Ratchet up (not behind a proxy) set the third parameter of App to ''.

so i tried this in my server.php file. (doesn't work)

$server = IoServer::factory(

        new HttpServer(
            new WsServer(
                new Chat()



Next i tried changing the app.php file which located here(doesn't work):


 public function __construct($httpHost = '', $port = 8180, $address = '', LoopInterface $loop = null) {......

Then,i tried changing the port to something else. again the server can run but the client cannot connect.

I referred all these:

How to run Ratchet remotely or on a server?
How to run Ratchet remotely or on a server?

Someone please help. All I want is for the client to be able to connect to the ratchet websocket which is running on the server.

