how to add multiline comment with /* */ using shortcut keys in netbeans IDE 8.3

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-01-05 07:44:07


Looking for the shortcut key to add multiline(/* */) comments.

shortcut : "Ctr+/" used to add the comment but its comes with "//" like this ..


I want the comments like below one , using shortcuts key..

/*     line 1
       line 2
       line 3


I am using Netbeans 8.2. For multiline comments

just type /* OR /** and then press Enter.

Hopefully, this will work.

When you use /** to add a comment for an existing method it will generate a skeleton Javadoc for that method.

but as I know Netbeans 8.3 is not released and never will be. Version 9 will be released instead. You might use version 8.2 or lower.


There is no shortcut for a multi-line comment in NetBeans, presumably because there is no need for one; if you simply type /* and press Enter then NetBeans will automatically insert a blank line, followed by */ on the next line, and then position the cursor on the blank line:

/* {cursor is set here} */

(Somewhat related, and slightly more impressive, you can also type /** and press Enter on the line before a method and NetBeans will generate a skeleton Javadoc for that method.)

