I'm new to the world of python and I'm trying to extract values from multiple text files. I can open up the files fine with a loop, but I'm looking for a straight forward way to search for a string and then return the value after it.
My results text files look like this
Max tip rotation =,-18.1921,degrees
Min tip rotation =,-0.3258,degrees
Mean tip rotation =,-7.4164,degrees
Max tip displacement =,6.9956,mm
Min tip displacement =,0.7467,mm
Mean tip displacement = ,2.4321,mm
Max Tsai-Wu FC =,0.6850
Max Tsai-Hill FC =,0.6877
So I want to be able to search for say 'Max Tsai-Wu =,' and it return 0.6850 I want to be able to search for the string as the position of each variable might change at a later date.
Sorry for posting such an easy question, just can't seem to find a straight forward robust way of finding it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Matt
You can make use of regex:
import re
regexp = re.compile(r'Max Tsai-Wu.*?([0-9.-]+)')
with open('input.txt') as f:
for line in f:
match = regexp.match(line)
if match:
print match.group(1)
UPD: getting results into the list
import re
regexp = re.compile(r'Max Tsai-Wu.*?([0-9.-]+)')
result = []
with open('input.txt') as f:
for line in f:
match = regexp.match(line)
if match:
My favorite way is to test if the line starts with the desired text:
keyword = 'Max Tsai-Wu' if line.startswith(keyword):
And then split the line using the commas and return the value
try: return float(line.split(',')[1]) except ValueError: # treat the error
You can use regular expression to find both name and value:
import re
RE_VALUE = re.compile('(.*?)\s*=,(.*?),')
def test():
line = 'Max tip rotation =,-18.1921,degrees'
rx = RE_VALUE.search(line)
if rx:
print('[%s] value: [%s]' % (rx.group(1), rx.group(2)))
This way reading file line by line you can fill some dictionary.
My regex uses fact that value is between commas.
If the files aren't that big, you could simply do:
import re
files = [list, of, files]
for f in files:
with open(f) as myfile:
print re.search(r'Max Tsai-Wu.*?=,(.+)', myfile.read()).group(1)