I am trying to check the response status code after trigerring some API with a POST method, Response status code is of Magicmock instance type, i am checking whether the status code is inbetween 400 and 500 using comparison operator which works in python 2 but raises TypeError in python 3
import mock
response = <MagicMock name='Session().post()' id='130996186'>
Below code works in python 2
if (400 <= response.status_code <= 500):
But when executed in python 3, raises
TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'MagicMock'
class BMRAPI(object): root_url = None
def __init__(self, user, api_key, root_url=BMR_URL,
self.log =
self.root_url = root_url
self.url = urljoin(root_url, api_uri)
self.log.info("Connecting to BMR REST API: %s" % self.url)
self.session = requests.Session()
auth = 'ApiKey {0}:{1}'.format(user, api_key)
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'text/plain',
'Authorization': auth})
self.session.trust_env = False # bypass the proxy
self.log.debug("Authenticating as: %s" % user)
self.log.debug("Using API Key: %s" % api_key)`enter code here`
self.log.info("Connection to REST API successful")
def url_for_resource(self, resource_name):
return urljoin(self.url, resource_name) + "/"
def create(self, resource_name, data):
response = self.session.post(self.url_for_resource(resource_name),
json.dumps(data), timeout=TIMEOUT)
return self.handle_response(response)
def handle_response(self, response):
if (400 <= response.status_code <= 500):
Below is the UNit test case
def BMRAPI(Session):
api = BMRAPI('', 'dummy_user', '12345')
data = {'hello': 123}
api.create('testresource', data)
This isn't exactly a fix, more of a workaround.
Instead of making that <=
comparison, write a separate method:
def is_4xx_or_5xx_code(status_code):
return 400 <= status_code <= 500
if is_4xx_or_5xx_code(status_code=response.status_code):
Then mock it in your tests.
def test_your_method(mock_status_code):
mock_status_code.return_value = True
# rest of the test.