Superpower: match a string with tokenizer only if it begins a line

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-04 06:25:10


When tokenizing in superpower, how to match a string only if it is the first thing in a line (note: this is a different question than this one) ?

For example, assume I have a language with only the following 4 characters (' ', ':', 'X', 'Y'), each of which is a token. There is also a 'Header' token to capture cases of the following regex pattern /^[XY]+:/ (any number of Xs and Ys followed by a colon, only if they start the line).

Here is a quick class for testing (the 4th test-case fails):

using System;
using Superpower;
using Superpower.Parsers;
using Superpower.Tokenizers;

public enum Tokens { Space, Colon, Header, X, Y }

public class XYTokenizer
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Test("X", Tokens.X);
        Test("XY", Tokens.X, Tokens.Y);
        Test("X Y:", Tokens.X, Tokens.Space, Tokens.Y, Tokens.Colon);
        Test("X: X", Tokens.Header, Tokens.Space, Tokens.X);

    public static readonly Tokenizer<Tokens> tokenizer = new TokenizerBuilder<Tokens>()
        .Match(Character.EqualTo('X'), Tokens.X)
        .Match(Character.EqualTo('Y'), Tokens.Y)
        .Match(Character.EqualTo(':'), Tokens.Colon)
        .Match(Character.EqualTo(' '), Tokens.Space)

    static void Test(string input, params Tokens[] expected)
        var tokens = tokenizer.Tokenize(input);
        var i = 0;
        foreach (var t in tokens)
            if (t.Kind != expected[i])
                Console.WriteLine("tokens[" + i + "] was Tokens." + t.Kind
                    + " not Tokens." + expected[i] + " for '" + input + "'");


I came up with a custom Tokenizer based on the example found here. I added comments throughout the code so you can follow what's happening.

public class MyTokenizer : Tokenizer<Tokens>
    protected override IEnumerable<Result<Tokens>> Tokenize(TextSpan input)
        Result<char> next = input.ConsumeChar();

        bool checkForHeader = true;

        while (next.HasValue)
            // need to check for a header when starting a new line
            if (checkForHeader)
                var headerStartLocation = next.Location;
                var tokenQueue = new List<Result<Tokens>>();
                while (next.HasValue && (next.Value == 'X' || next.Value == 'Y'))
                    tokenQueue.Add(Result.Value(next.Value == 'X' ? Tokens.X : Tokens.Y, next.Location, next.Remainder));
                    next = next.Remainder.ConsumeChar();

                // only if we had at least one X or one Y
                if (tokenQueue.Any())
                    if (next.HasValue && next.Value == ':')
                        // this is a header token; we have to return a Result of the start location 
                        // along with the remainder at this location
                        yield return Result.Value(Tokens.Header, headerStartLocation, next.Remainder);
                        next = next.Remainder.ConsumeChar();
                        // this isn't a header; we have to return all the tokens we parsed up to this point
                        foreach (Result<Tokens> tokenResult in tokenQueue)
                            yield return tokenResult;

                if (!next.HasValue)
                    yield break;

            checkForHeader = false;

            if (next.Value == '\r') 
                // skip over the carriage return
                next = next.Remainder.ConsumeChar();

            if (next.Value == '\n')
                // line break; check for a header token here
                next = next.Remainder.ConsumeChar();
                checkForHeader = true;

            if (next.Value == 'A')
                var abcStart = next.Location;
                next = next.Remainder.ConsumeChar();
                if (next.HasValue && next.Value == 'B')
                    next = next.Remainder.ConsumeChar();
                    if (next.HasValue && next.Value == 'C')
                        yield return Result.Value(Tokens.ABC, abcStart, next.Remainder);
                        next = next.Remainder.ConsumeChar();
                        yield return Result.Empty<Tokens>(next.Location, $"unrecognized `AB{next.Value}`");
                    yield return Result.Empty<Tokens>(next.Location, $"unrecognized `A{next.Value}`");
            else if (next.Value == 'X')
                yield return Result.Value(Tokens.X, next.Location, next.Remainder);
                next = next.Remainder.ConsumeChar();
            else if (next.Value == 'Y')
                yield return Result.Value(Tokens.Y, next.Location, next.Remainder);
                next = next.Remainder.ConsumeChar();
            else if (next.Value == ':')
                yield return Result.Value(Tokens.Colon, next.Location, next.Remainder);
                next = next.Remainder.ConsumeChar();
            else if (next.Value == ' ')
                yield return Result.Value(Tokens.Space, next.Location, next.Remainder);
                next = next.Remainder.ConsumeChar();
                yield return Result.Empty<Tokens>(next.Location, $"unrecognized `{next.Value}`");
                next = next.Remainder.ConsumeChar(); // Skip the character anyway

And you can call it like this:

var tokens = new MyTokenizer().Tokenize(input);

