Error with sqlSave

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-04 05:54:43


I'm fighting with sqlSave to add my matrix B that looks like this:


to an SQL table.

so I run the following command:

sqlSave(channel, b, "[testsFelix].[dbo].[TREB]", append = TRUE,
  rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE, safer = TRUE, fast = FALSE)

and I get the following error:

Erreur dans sqlSave(channel, b, "[testsFelix].[dbo].[TREB]", append = TRUE,  : 
  42S01 2714 [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]
    There is already an object named 'TREB' in the database.
  [RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect
    'CREATE TABLE [testsFelix].[dbo].[TREB]  ("Noinscr" int)'

Seeing that it didn't want to erase the table, even if append=TRUE is there, I've tried to erase my SQL table and ran the same code again.

I get the following error:

Erreur dans sqlColumns(channel, tablename) : 
  ‘[testsFelix].[dbo].[TREB]’: table not found on channel

So I'm confused, when I want to append R says it can't because the table is there and when the table is not there, R says it can't put info in it because the table is not there. I went into SQL to verify that nothing happened, but I saw that R had created the table with the right Column Name (Noinscr) but the table is empty.

Please tell me what I am doing wrong. Thank you


I found this post googling for a similar problem. The problem persisted after restarting R, as well as a system re-boot. I narrowed the problem down to the database, by opening a new connection to different database, and writing to that using sqlSave.

Weirdly, the problem with the original database was corrected by opening and closing it using R:

DBchannel <- odbcConnectAccess(access.file = "C:/myPath/Data.mdb")

After doing this, the following test worked just fine:

dd <- data.frame('normal' = rnorm(100), 'uniform' = runif(100))
DBchannel <- odbcConnectAccess(access.file = "C:/myPath/Data.mdb")
sqlSave(DBchan, dd, tablename='testtable')

(which is nice, as my initial (non-)solution was to re-build the database)


I had the same problem. What I realized is that by default sqlSave would create the table in the 'Master' schema. I launched the ODBC Data Source Administrator and changed the default database and selected the desired database and it worked.


I have struggled witrh same issue with you. I can call odbcQuery to insert data line by line. However, my data.frame has tens of miliions of line. It's kind of to oslow by insert. If your data set is not large, you may try it.


Please try this

sqlSave(channel, b, "_b", append = TRUE,
    rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE, safer = TRUE, fast = FALSE)

What I found is that the Excel will add a "_" in front of the default filename, if you add this to the filename, Excel will find the table.


You have to remove your brackets ([]), and then it should run fine.

