NSPoint/NSRect from character in NSTextView

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2020-01-04 04:41:07


So I am trying to get either an NSPoint or NSRect corresponding with the location of a specific character in an NSTextView. This is what I have so far (that isn't working very well, the results seem kind of unpredictable.

NSRange theTextRange = [[theTextView layoutManager] glyphRangeForCharacterRange:[theTextStorage editedRange] actualCharacterRange:NULL];
NSRect theTextRect = [[theTextView layoutManager] boundingRectForGlyphRange:theTextRange inTextContainer:[theTextView textContainer]];


The rect returned by boundingRectForGlyphRange:inTextContainer: is in container coordinates. You need to adjust for this if you want to get the rect relative to the text view:

NSRange theTextRange = [[textView layoutManager] glyphRangeForCharacterRange:textRange actualCharacterRange:NULL];
NSRect layoutRect = [[textView layoutManager] boundingRectForGlyphRange:theTextRange inTextContainer:[textView textContainer]];
NSPoint containerOrigin = [textView textContainerOrigin];
layoutRect.origin.x += containerOrigin.x;
layoutRect.origin.y += containerOrigin.y;


You can use mouse down event by NSPoint & NSRect

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface ClickTextView : NSView {
    NSMutableArray *texts;
    NSPoint currentLocation;
    NSCell *cell;


#import "ClickTextView.h"
@interface TextClip : NSObject

    NSString *text;
    NSPoint location;


@implementation TextClip @end

@implementation ClickTextView
- (void)awakeFromNib
    texts = [NSMutableArray new];
    cell = [[NSTextFieldCell alloc] initTextCell: @""];
    [cell setEditable: YES];

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect 
    NSRect frame = rect;
    [[NSColor whiteColor] set];
    [NSBezierPath fillRect: rect];
    for (TextClip *clip in texts)
        [cell setStringValue: clip->text];
        frame.origin = clip->location;
        [cell drawWithFrame: frame inView: self];

- (void)mouseDown: (NSEvent*)theEvent
    currentLocation = [self convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow]
                                fromView: nil];
    NSText *fieldEditor = [[self window] fieldEditor: YES
                                           forObject: self];
    [cell endEditing: fieldEditor];
    [fieldEditor setString: @""];
    [cell setStringValue: @""];
    NSRect frame = {currentLocation, {400, 400}};
    [cell editWithFrame: frame
                 inView: self
                 editor: fieldEditor
               delegate: self
                  event: theEvent];
- (BOOL)isFlipped
    return YES;
- (void)textDidEndEditing: (NSNotification*)aNotification
    NSText *text = [aNotification object];
    TextClip *clip = [[TextClip alloc] init];
    clip->text = [[text string] copy];
    clip->location = currentLocation;
    [texts addObject: clip];
    [cell endEditing: text];
    [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];

