how is it possible to click through a position: fixed; height: 100%; width: 100% overlay in IE8?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-04 04:39:48


i have a bug i'm trying to narrow down and it's proving to be a doozie. i'm making a modal overlay and in IE8 for some reason i am able to click "through", focus inputs and select text underneath it.

in IE9, FF, Chrome everything works as expected. unfortunately a reduced testcase i slapped together (shown below) works just fine in IE8. has anyone run into this bug before? hoping to save some time. thanks!

<!DOCTYPE html>
            div {
                background: pink;
                position: fixed;
                height: 100%;
                width: 100%;
                top: 0;
                left: 0;
                opacity: 0.5;
        <input type="text" />


The problem is indeed that IE allows clicks to bleed through when the background of a div is transparent. For me, this works everywhere:

Just use a base64 encode of a 1x1 pixel transparent GIF as background, this stops all the clicks / taps (also tested on IE9 and IE8). Plus, this is pure CSS, no extra images needed.

background: url();


The root cause of this issue is that IE does not consider semi-opaque backgrounds to be valid click targets, and so clicks are passed through to the element underneath.

For IE, you must have a solid color background or a background image to have an element capture clicks. As you've discovered, filters will not work.

The common thing to do is to use a 1x1 transparent GIF as the background-image for IE. The element will then capture clicks appropriately.


figured it out, i was using rgba() rather than opacity because i needed only the background to have transparency.

for IE it generated gradient filter using -ms-filter which was causing the issue. ended up just using

background: url(/images/EBEBEBB3.png);
background: rgba(255,255,255,.7);

