I have an alphabet filter view (a, b, c, d etc) that a lot of views will be using. I have setup a method on the main view to fetch results from the API using the letter clicked.
I've setup this by passing a callback function down to the alphabet filter as per below:
view = new App.Views.Common.AlphabetFiltersIndexView(filterCallback: @paginationFilter)
Calling the filterCallback and passing arguments works, however the paginationFilter method called now belongs to the Alphabet Filters.
Question: How do I call a parent view's method and keep the method's relationship with the original top view?
You could go about this two ways:
Pass the parent view to your child view, OR have your child view find its parent via a global object, if you're using one. Call the parent view's function from the child
You could have your child view raise an event when you need the parent view's function to be called. Your parent view should be listening for this event from your child view, and respond by calling the method required.
You should trigger an event in the child view using something like
this.trigger('event', [args]);
and listen to it from the parent view
this.listenTo(childView, 'event', this.paginationFilter);
(Recommend giving the event a proper name. Consider a name such as 'page:change'. 'page' is a sort of namespace just to make the events in large application easier to name and organize. There is no real namespace functionality.)
You can use the following Underscore call in your AlphabetFiltersIndexView
in it'sinitialize
_.bindAll(callBackContext, "YourCallBack");
This will ensure the callback is bound to the object of your choice (The parent view).
You can pass in the values of callBackContext
and "YourCallBack"
as parameters to the AlphabetFiltersIndexView
, which you can then control based on the context of the parent view.