How to get email address along with people list in google plus API

戏子无情 提交于 2020-01-04 04:07:07


I'm using google plus API in my web app. I could pull out all people from google plus

My code is

$this->client = new Google_Client();
        $this->client->setApplicationName($CI->config->item('application_name', 'googleplus'));
        $this->client->setClientId($CI->config->item('client_id', 'googleplus'));
        $this->client->setClientSecret($CI->config->item('client_secret', 'googleplus'));
        $this->client->setRedirectUri($CI->config->item('redirect_uri', 'googleplus'));
        $this->client->setDeveloperKey($CI->config->item('api_key', 'googleplus'));

        $this->plus = new Google_PlusService($this->client);
              $this->auth2 = new Google_Oauth2Service($this->client);

$peoples = $this->plus->people->listPeople('me','visible');

Here I'm getting list of all the peoples in my circle. But I dont get people's email address and birthdays. How can I get those too?


Once you have a list of Google+ IDs, you will need to make a people.get call to gain the [public] profile data for those users. In PHP, this call looks like $me = $plus->people->get('me');. For an authorized user, the 'me' keyword can be used. Otherwise, you can make the call using a Google+ ID.

Once you have made that call, you can pull out the attributes that are relevant to you (full list:

However, to get the Google email address for a user, you will need to include the scope in addition to the plus.login scope. This means that you may only get the email addresses of authorized users.


Please read the document on Google+ OAuth 2.0 scopes which explains that you need to use the scope and then send your access token to the tokenInfo endpoint to get the user's email address as a part of the validation information

