Underscore.string browser support

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-04 03:51:25


Underscore.string seems to provide nice features for javascript string manipulation.

It seems to have all the good points:

  • license : MIT
  • dependencies : none, it is an extension for Underscore.js but it can be used as standalone, without underscore.js
  • weight (minified & gzipped): 4KB
  • community, contributors: 58 contributors on Github
  • history, contributions: since mid 2010 on Github, contributions seem rather stable although pretty quiet since 2014

Except one point for which I am missing info: the "browser support/compatibility". I am especially worried about older version of IE.

I could find some issues (who have been fixed) on Github for various browser versions, but I could not find any clear statement regarding the browser support:

  • https://github.com/epeli/underscore.string/pull/37
  • https://github.com/epeli/underscore.string/issues?q=IE8
  • https://github.com/epeli/underscore.string/issues/115

I also searched on StackOverflow & did some googling but no luck.

I assume there is no "official" support for browsers so if anyone has experience in using Underscore.string in a production environment where users are on old browsers (IE8+) that would be great.


I also added a question directly on Github to try to get an answer, I'll update this page if I hear anything from there. See https://github.com/epeli/underscore.string/issues/304


As pointed out by epeli on the issue I posted on the Github project: running the test suite on IE8 seems a good way to find out if this library is supported by IE8.

Hence I did so, and found out that the result was positive: IE8 is supported by Underscore.string javascript library.

See the result of my test below

