Is there any way to create symbolic link in WIX installer?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-04 02:56:08


I need to create a symbolic-link for a particular folder; that folder is created by a WIX installer. Is there any way to create a symbolic-link from WIX installer? I have read about mklink, but I do not know how to use that in WIX (v3)?


You can use Custom actions to run the mklink. Run the custom actions after InstallFinalize.

Or you can use Short cut instead of symbolic links.

In Custom Action file:

    public static ActionResult symboliclink(Session session)
        string filePath = session["FilePath"];
        string symboliclink = session["symboliclink"];
        Process p = new Process();

        p.StartInfo.FileName = "mklink.exe";
        p.StartInfo.Arguments = "/d" + symboliclink + " " + filePath;
        p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
        p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
        Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(p.StartInfo.FileName);

        return ActionResult.Success;

Wix File:

<Binary Id="Symboliclink" SourceFile="Symboliclink.CA.dll" />   <CustomAction Id="SymbolicLink" BinaryKey="Symboliclink" DllEntry="symboliclink" Return="ignore" Execute="immediate" />

Include the Custom Action in InstallExecuteSequence

 <Custom Action="SymbolicLink" Sequence="6703"/>


I had crated a link by using Shortcut keyword. And I found it is the easiest way to resolve this. Please find this code.

<Component Id="XXXX" Guid="E4920A35-13E1-4949-BD3A-7DCC8A70C647">
          <File Id="xxXX" Name="xxXX.yyy" Source="..\Installer\Miscellaneous\xxXX.yyy" DiskId="1" Vital="yes" />
              <Shortcut Id="xxXX_link" Directory="Dir1" Name="xxXX.yyy" Target="[INSTALLLOCATION]xxXX.yyy" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLLOCATION" />

But this is not equivalent to symbolic link.

