after fixing another problem in my Android Application, i came to another thing.
It would be important that i can do something, like hide some visual elements, if the SoftKeyboard so a Input like Swipe or the normal Android Keyboard is shown.
I've tried the onConfigurationChange="KeyboardShow" (pseudocode) but had no change to get a event when for example skype got shown.
So now my question is, is there any solution or function or listener, with which i can handle such a action?
I hope someone can help me.
Sincerly, Mike Penz
There might be better approaches, but a possibility is to add: android:configChanges="keyboardHidden"
to the manifest. That will fire with any keyboard changes, so the you will need to query the Configuration
static Configuration prevConf = Configuration();
static int ignoreMasks = Configuration.HARDKEYBOARDHIDDEN_NO|Configuration.HARDKEYBOARDHIDDEN_YES;
onCreate() {
prevConf = setToDefaults();
// all your code here
public void onConfigurationChanged (Configuration newConfig) {
int deltas = newConfig.diff (prevConf); // what changed?
prevConf = newConfig;
if (delta & ignoreMasks)
return; // you're not interested in hard keyboards.
// your code here
I suck at bitwise operators, so you might need to work around that.
This is the API documentation: