I have a set of Data with columns such as below
To explain further i use sample data as below:
OffName RO1 RO2 RO3
A John Jack Rob
B Earl John Carl
C Rob Chris Kenny
D Rodney Carl Jacob
RO stands for Reporting Officer. Each Officer reports to upto 3 RO's.i need to make a report where i need to show a grouping by RO irrespective of the person is RO1 or RO2 or RO3 for the officer..John is RO1 for Officer A and RO2 for Officer B, so when grouped by RO under John i want both Officer A & B to be picked.Same for Carl is RO3 for Officer B and RO2 for Officer D so when grouped by Ro under Carl both Officer B & D to be picked..
So for the above data when grouped by RO's i want the result to be as
RO OffName
John A
Jack A
Rob A
Earl B
Carl B
Chris C
Kenny C
Rodney D
Jacob D
Any help would b great
The easiest way is probably to "flatten" the problem and then do the group by:
var query = officers.SelectMany(
x => new[] {
new { x.Name, RO = x.ReportingOfficer1 },
new { x.Name, RO = x.ReportingOfficer2 },
new { x.Name, RO = x.ReportingOfficer3 }
var grouped = query.GroupBy(y => y.RO);
foreach (var group in grouped) {
foreach (var item in group) {
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", item.RO, item.Name));
Here, I am assuming officers
is a IEnumerable<Officer>
class Officer {
public string Name { get; set; }
public string ReportingOfficer1 { get; set; }
public string ReportingOfficer2 { get; set; }
public string ReportingOfficer3 { get; set; }
With your sample data this is my output:
John: A
John: B
Jack: A
Rob: A
Rob: C
Earl: B
Carl: B
Carl: D
Chris: C
Kenny: C
Rodney: D
Jacob: D