I need to split array dynamically based on single value in JavaScript.
I've got an array:
var dataStuff = [
{ Name: 'Apple', Tag: 'Fruit', Price: '2,5'},
{ Name: 'Bike', Tag: 'Sport', Price: '150'},
{ Name: 'Kiwi', Tag: 'Fruit', Price: '1,5'},
{ Name: 'Knife', Tag: 'Kitchen', Price: '8'},
{ Name: 'Fork', Tag: 'Kitchen', Price: '7'}
And i expect arrays split by Tag, eg.
var Fruit = [
{ Name: 'Apple', Tag: 'Fruit', Price: '2,5'},
{ Name: 'Kiwi', Tag: 'Fruit', Price: '1,5'}
var Sport = [
{ Name: 'Bike', Tag: 'Sport', Price: '150'}
var Kitchen = [
{ Name: 'Knife', Tag: 'Kitchen', Price: '8'},
{ Name: 'Fork', Tag: 'Kitchen', Price: '7'}
If in dataStuff array will be more Tags then in result will be more arrays. Anyway i don't have idea how should I do this. I'm using node.js + Jade (for view), and i think the best idea will be do this at view because i have to put each array in table. Maybe something like this:
// Basic table
- each item in dataStuff
td= item.Name
td= item.Tag
td= item.Price
// Other tables
- each item in dataStuff
// adding items to array based on Tag
// probably it won't work
// but still how should i draw table?
I would be grateful for any help
You could use an object with the grouped items. It works for any tags and allows a list of all tags with Object.keys(grouped)
, if required.
var dataStuff = [{ Name: 'Apple', Tag: 'Fruit', Price: '2,5' }, { Name: 'Bike', Tag: 'Sport', Price: '150' }, { Name: 'Kiwi', Tag: 'Fruit', Price: '1,5' }, { Name: 'Knife', Tag: 'Kitchen', Price: '8' }, { Name: 'Fork', Tag: 'Kitchen', Price: '7' }],
grouped = Object.create(null);
dataStuff.forEach(function (a) {
grouped[a.Tag] = grouped[a.Tag] || [];
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(grouped, 0, 4) + '</pre>');
If your tag names are known in advance and limited
then simply
var Fruit = dataStuff.filter(function(val){
return val.Tag == "Fruit";
var Sport = dataStuff.filter(function(val){
return val.Tag == "Sport";
var Kitchen = dataStuff.filter(function(val){
return val.Tag == "Kitchen";
Or you can create a JSON object keeping the Tag Names like
var tags = {
"Fruit" : [],
"Sport" : [],
"Kitchen" : [],
for(var tag in tags)
tags[tag] = dataStuff.filter(function(val){
return val.Tag == tag;
Now tags.Fruit
will give you the Fruit