I'm having a problem with assets and Xcode 9 beta running on devices with iOS 10. It doesn't upload any image from assets, so on the phone I can't see any asset!
If I load images in the storyboard, it just doesn't show any image on the phone (but it shows in the storyboard), if I do something:
It crashes with log message:
*** Assertion failure in -[_CUIThemePixelRendition _initWithCSIHeader:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreUI/CoreUI-428.6/CoreTheme/ThemeStorage/CUIThemeRendition.m:3788 Could not load the "imageName" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "myIdentifierName"
This is strange as the same code running on another device with iOS 11 beta works and I can see the images.
I got same problem when I test app on iOS 10. Check the Xcode 9 beta release note and found known issues about that:
Asset Catalog
- Jpeg assets in asset catalogs are not found on iOS 10 or earlier for apps built with Xcode 9. API calls for accessing the image such as UIImage.imageNamed: return nil. (32524123) Workaround: Use png resources or limit app testing to devices running iOS 11 or later.
After convert all my jpg asset to png. It's works well. Oh...
I got same issue even in xcode 9 beta 4. Solved by just checking this for Image.
Hope It helps.
Fixed in Xcode 9 beta 3 (build 9M174d)
Jpeg assets in asset catalogs are found on iOS 10 or earlier for apps built with Xcode 9. (32524123)
Make build with ios 11 device or generic ios device