Is it possible in Perl6 to find all installed modules whose file-name matches a pattern?
In Perl5 I would write it like this:
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catfile );
my %installed;
for my $dir ( @INC ) {
my $glob_pattern = catfile $dir, 'App', 'DBBrowser', 'DB', '*.pm';
map { $installed{$_}++ } glob $glob_pattern;
There is currently no way to get the original file name of an installed module. However it is possible to get the module names
sub list-installed {
my @curs = $*REPO.repo-chain.grep(*.?prefix.?e);
my @repo-dirs = @curs>>.prefix;
my @dist-dirs = |@repo-dirs.map(*.child('dist')).grep(*.e);
my @dist-files = |@dist-dirs.map(*.IO.dir.grep(*.IO.f).Slip);
my $dists := gather for @dist-files -> $file {
if try { Distribution.new( |%(from-json($file.IO.slurp)) ) } -> $dist {
my $cur = @curs.first: {.prefix eq $file.parent.parent}
take $_ for $dist.hash<provides>.keys;
.say for list-installed();
see: Zef::Client.list-installed()