Sorry for the basic question.
I have a table with the following columns.
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer |
doc_id | bigint |
text | text |
- I am trying to do text matching on the 'text' (3rd column)
- I receive an error message when I try to text match on the text column. Saying that the string is too long for ts_vector.
I only want observations which contain the words "other events"
SELECT * FROM eightks\d
WHERE to_tsvector(text) @@ to_tsquery('other_events')
I know that there are limitation to the length of the ts_vector.
Error Message
ERROR: string is too long for tsvector (2368732 bytes, max 1048575 bytes)
How do I convert the text column into a ts_vector and will this resolve my size limit problem?Alternatively, How do I exclude observations over the maximum size?
Postgres version
Here is the reference to the limit limit