I have a jQueryUI Tabs control on a web page. Each tab contains one or more Slickgrid grids.
Sometimes, but with no particular pattern that I have been able to discover, when removing tabs (therefore removing instances of Slickgrid), I get:
// slick.grid-2.0.merged.min.js: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Invalid argument
Z[0].styleSheet.cssText=a.join(" ")
which then propogates to
// jquery-1.7.1.min.js: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Exception occurred.
What's causing this issue and how can I work around / resolve it?
Following the comment from @Tin, I ensured that every instance of SlickGrid was destroyed prior to the HTML element it was associated with being replaced by an Ajax result.
Is there a way to get an instance of SlickGrid from an element
I ended up with code like this:
Initialize SlickGrid instance:
grid = new Slick.Grid("#myGridDiv", myDataView, myColumns, myOptions);
$('#myGridDiv').data('slickgrid', grid);
General cleanup function:
function cleanupSlickGrid() {
//@* Cleanup slickgrid instances. See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10129069/invalid-argument-error-with-slickgrid *@
var grids = $('.slick'); //@* I add the class 'slick' to each grid *@
jQuery.each(grids, function(i, val) {
var grid = $(this).data('slickgrid');
use general cleanup function like this:
url: removeUrl,
type: "POST",
success: function (data)