I have a div tag with contenteditable set to true. I am trying to find out the last entered word in the div.
For example, if I type in This is a test
and I hit a space, I want to be able to get the word test
I want to be able to use this logic so that I can test each word being typed (after the space is pressed).
It would be great if someone could help me with this.
An easy solution would be the following
var str = "This is a test "; // Content of the div
var lastWord = str.substr(str.trim().lastIndexOf(" ")+1);
trim might need a shim for older browsers. (.replace(/\s$/,"")
To strip punctuation like " Test!!! "
you could additionally do a replace like following:
You might want to do a more specific definition of the characters to omit than \W
, depending on your needs.
If you want to trigger your eventhandler also on punctuation characters and not only on space, the last replace is not needed.
This is the ultimate way:
// listen to changes (do it any way you want...)
document.querySelectorAll('div')[0].addEventListener('input', function(e) {
console.log( getLastWord(this.textContent) );
}, false);
function getLastWord(str){
// strip punctuations
str = str.replace(/[\.,-\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\_`~()]/g,' ');
// get the last word
return str.trim().split(' ').reverse()[0];
You first have to know when the content is edited. Using jQuery, that can be done with
$("div").on("keyup", function(){ /* code */ });
Then, you'll have to get the whole text and split it into words
var words = $(this).text().trim().split(' ');
And getting the last word is as complicated as getting the last element of the words
Here's the whole code
<div contenteditable="true">Add text here</div>
JavaScript (using jQuery)
$("div").on("keyup", function(){
var words = $(this).text().trim().split(' '),
lastWord = words[words.length - 1];
You can try this to get last word from a editable div.
<div id='edit' contenteditable='true' onkeypress="getLastWord(event,this)">
function getLastWord(event,element){
var keyPressed = event.which;
if(keyPressed == 32){ //Hits Space
var val = element.innerText.trim();
val = val.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm," ");
var idx = val.lastIndexOf(' ');
var lastWord = val.substring(idx+1);
console.log("Last Word " + lastWord);
Try this link http://jsfiddle.net/vV2mN/18/