I am facing issue related to gigya login popup dailog. When I am enabling proguard as making "minifyEnabled true" login popup is not showing.I have checked response.I am getting below mentioned response.
{ "errorMessage": "Permission denied", "errorDetails": "Invalid namespace 'socialize' or method 'getUserInfo' or you do not have the required permissions to call it. ", "statusCode": 403, "errorCode": 403007, "statusReason": "Forbidden", "callId": "a8f696d6af194433a826893ea0c60b02", "time": "2017-10-09T15:08:18.023Z"}
Same is working fine if proguard is not enabled.
Please try adding one of the following to your Proguard config file (this might be "proguard-rules.pro" or "proguard-rules.txt" from Finder).
-libraryjars libs/*name-of-gigya-sdk*.jar
or (depending upon your project settings)
-keep class com.gigya.** { *; }