Avoid keyring messages when running command line tools

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-01-03 03:20:30


I am getting these two messages when running a command line utility (in the case pgcli) in an headless Linux running in Docker:

No handlers could be found for logger "keyring.backend"
Please enter password for encrypted keyring:

How can I configure the logger and the password for keyring, so that I am no longer bothered when running any utility dependent on keyring?

Note that I am on an headless Ubuntu, so I need to know how to do this from the command line.



v1.10.2 is now out, with keyring optional. Using pgcli on a headless system should not be a problem anymore.


We fixed the problem in v1.10.1, but right now you still need to pip install keyring.alt package for things to work. There's an open PR to handle things better and make keyring package optional. As soon as that's merged, we'll do another bugfix release. Stay with us - and thank you for using pgcli!

