React-native Airbnb-Maps: How do I render a button inside the airbnb maps pop-up box?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-03 02:48:21


I am trying to render a button which I can use to redirect to another page within the description page (the pop-up-box if you select a marker) using AirBnb maps (using MapView.Markers). I am not sure how to achieve this.

Currently my markers look as follow:

const markers = [{
  longitude: 8.545592,
  latitude: 47.366465,
  description: "Bike 1",
  title: "Bike 1"
  longitude: 8.545892,
  latitude: 47.366365,
  description: "Bike 2",
  title: "Bike 2"

Whenever I try to input JSX into a text, I get a NSMutableDictionary cannot be converted to NSString error. (When I do this:

const markers = [{
  longitude: 8.545592,
  latitude: 47.366465,
  description: <Text>Bike1</Text>, //"Bike 1", //<Text> Bike1 </Text>
  title: "Bike 1"
  longitude: 8.545892,
  latitude: 47.366365,
  description: "Bike 2",
  title: "Bike 2"


For more than just text, what you should do is define a custom Callout instead of using description prop. For example:

  coordinate={{longitude: marker.longitude, latitude: marker.latitude}}
    <View style={styles.callout}>
      <Button title='Click Me!' onPress={() => console.log('Clicked')} />

