How can I make a espresso test with the color of the layout background? Currently use hasBackground():
But the error occurs:
android.support.test.espresso.base.DefaultFailureHandler$AssertionFailedWithCauseError: 'has background with drawable ID: -11141257' doesn't match the selected view.
Expected: has background with drawable ID: -11141257
Got: "LinearLayout{id=2130968576, res-name=backgroundColor, visibility=VISIBLE, width=996, height=1088, has-focus=false, has-focusable=false, has-window-focus=true, is-clickable=false, is-enabled=true, is-focused=false, is-focusable=false, is-layout-requested=false, is-selected=false, layout-params=android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams@e55f6e7, tag=null, root-is-layout-requested=false, has-input-connection=false, x=42.0, y=601.0, child-count=2}"
How I can compare this?
I'm doing it with a custom matcher with the help of Hamcrest lib :
public class BackgroundColourMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<View> {
private final int mExpectedColourResId;
private int mColorFromView;
public BackgroundColourMatcher(@ColorRes int expectedColourResId) {
mExpectedColourResId = expectedColourResId;
protected boolean matchesSafely(View item) {
if (item.getBackground() == null) {
return false;
Resources resources = item.getContext().getResources();
int colourFromResources = ResourcesCompat.getColor(resources, mExpectedColourResId, null);
mColorFromView = ((ColorDrawable) item.getBackground()).getColor();
return mColorFromView == colourFromResources;
public void describeTo(Description description) {
description.appendText("Color did not match " + mExpectedColourResId + " was " + mColorFromView);
And you can provide your matcher with something like:
public class CustomTestMatchers {
public static Matcher<View> withBackgroundColour(@ColorRes int expectedColor) {
return new BackgroundColourMatcher(expectedColor);
And finally in your test:
You can easily modify the BackgroundColourMatcher
class to make it use directly a colour and not a resource.
Hope it helps!
Another way of doing it is simply retrieving the color value directly from the View:
val bar = activityRule.activity.findViewById<View>(R.id.backgroundColor)
val actualColor = (bar.background as ColorDrawable).color
val expectedColor = Color.parseColor("#FF55ff77")
assertEquals(actualColor, expectedColor)