i want to jump in my detailview through the rows of my tableview.
passing the data from the tableview to detailview works fine. passing the indexpath.row working fine, too.
in the detailview i can change the indexpath of the row and by returning to the tableview the changed row is selected right.
And my problem is that i cant view the data of new selected row in the detailview.
i hope you understand what i am trying to do :)
for example like in the mail app: i want to push the "next" button and get the associated data .
Next function:
- (IBAction)nextRow:(id) sender {
TableRotateViewController *parent = (TableRotateViewController *)self.parentViewController;
NSIndexPath *actualIndexPath = detailselectedRow;
NSIndexPath * newIndexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:actualIndexPath.row+1 inSection:actualIndexPath.section];
if([parent.view.subviews objectAtIndex:0]) {
UIView * subview = (UIView *) [parent.view.subviews objectAtIndex:0];
UITableView *tView = (UITableView *) subview;
[tView selectRowAtIndexPath:newIndexPath animated:YES scrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle];
[tView.delegate tableView:tView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:newIndexPath];
Here is my sample application for better understanding what i have done jet: http://www.file-upload.net/download-3896312/TableRotate.zip.html
Would you like to show new detail information when click left or right button in detail Page , right?
In the Parent View Class (TableView Layout), you should create NSMutableArray that contain some specific object (ex. "MailDetailObject" that containg data1 , data2 ,data 3 ,... as you wish)
and you could keep each MailDetailObject contain each detail information and put them together to NSMutableArray in Parent View Class
and now , when you didselectRowAtIndexPath
in tableView , send this NSMutableArray and your current index on tableView to DetailView (Don't forget to create this property in DetailView for refer object that send from parentView)
In the detailView , (IBAction)nextRow Method
, if you click next you can refer to the next index and lookup in NSMutableArray that have sent from your parentView and get the next index information to display
hope it helps you