SilverStripe: Rendering a userforms page type in a template loop

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-01-02 18:04:30


Using SilverStripe 3.1 I have laid out a FrontPage page type that loops through its children to produce a big tall scrolling page. It has all kinds of different page types in it and I access their templates by creating their controllers on the fly by adding on to the Page class:

class Page extends SiteTree {


    function RenderAsChild($templateName = null) {
        if(!$templateName) $templateName = $this->ClassName;
            $class = $this->ClassName . "_Controller";
            $this->pageController = new $class($this);
        return $this->pageController->renderForHolderPage($templateName);

and in the controller:

class Page_Controller extends ContentController {


    function renderForHolderPage($templateName = null) {
        if(!$templateName) $templateName = $this->ClassName;
        return $this->renderWith(array($templateName));

In this way I can render pages and manage their templates and special features easily while still treating them all the same way in the template, something like:

    <% loop $Children %>
        <% if $ClassName = 'FancyPage' %>

The thing is I want to use the userforms extension this way but in the template in a loop or control it shows up just as a page. It does not appear to know anything about the form or the UserDefinedForm object.

Is there a way to get userforms to render as a child in a template?


Did a quick and dirty test and it seems to work only when you have


in the theme file

It wont replace the $UserDefinedForm as it´s not invoking the render with the index() that has the necessary scrips to replace $UserDefinedForm bit as far as I can tell.

