Is it possible for SSRS to name and separate pdf exported files based on parameter groupings? Right now, when I run the report, it only gives me one pdf with 100+ pages. However, at every page-break, I'd like SSRS to create a new pdf file, and it'd be a real time-saver if it would also insert the pdf's filename based on the grouping selection.
Is this possible in SSRS, or do i need to use SSIS for this functionality?
I'm using 'Visual Studio 2010' for SSRS, and 'SQL Server 2012' for integration services
You would be able to do all of what you want in SSRS - if you have the Enterprise edition that has Data-Driven Subscriptions.
You would have a parameter for the grouping (your page-break) - for example UserID.
In your data-driven query (NOT the report but a different query used to fire the subscription), you would have a field for your grouping - your UserID in our example. Another field could have your ReportName that is derived from your data - ex.
UserID, 'ReportName for ' + UserName + ' on ' + GetDate() as ReportName
When the data-driven query runs, it will create a record for each UserID which in turn will fire a report for each UserID using it as the parameter to limit the report to just that userID. You could even have that report only e-mailed to that user.
There are ways to run data-driven subscritptions without the Enterprise Edition using SSIS but the do take a bit of work.