I am trying to decrypt widevine DRm protected media file using Android's MediaDrm API. But MediaDrm is instantiated using UUId( of DRM-scheme). Android developer site says
"App accesses the DRM-scheme-identifying UUID, typically from metadata in the content, and uses this UUID to construct an instance of a MediaDrm object that is able to support the DRM scheme required by the content". (www.developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaDrm.html).
So I tried to get UUID using MediaExtractor.getpsshInfo() but it returned a null object. Then I tried DrmManagerClient.getMetadata(uri of media content) but again this method also returned null.
I tried this on the follwing widevine demo uri:
content URL: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/wvmedia/starz_main_720p_6br_tp.wvm
Licence server: https://license.uat.widevine.com/getlicense/widevine
although after aquiring rights using DrmManagerClient API I am able to play the video in Android's native MediaPLayer( VideoView) but I want to decrypt the media file using Android's MediaDrm API and want to get unencrypted data ,which I am not able to do because I am not getting proper UUID value. Can someone point me in the right direction to achieve this.
Or Can some one help me in accessing a DRM scheme - UUID value?
mediaDRM is designed for EME Common Encryption playback. See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaDrm.html
The Widevine content you have listed is not in the Common Encryption format and therefore, is incompatible.