It's driving me crazy. I created an Android App that does REST requests to an Apache Server running CakePHP 2.X.
- In Android side: the request are make using Volley from Google it's HEAD version.
- In Server side: It's a Apache 2, PHP 5.4, CakePHP 2.x and SSL.
Whatever request method GET or POST, with the same URL or same parameters when POST, sometimes the response is fine others time I get com.android.volley.NoConnectionError: java.net.ProtocolException: Unexpected status line: 10380HTTP/1.1 200 OK
When the error happen, the only thing i noticed is the number before changes.
10380HTTP/1.1 200 OK.
Any idea? Thanks
I could sniff the request/response and could confirm it's a server side issue.
With information from @Julian Reschke and @AD7six
Apparently it's common error when using keep-alive and the second,third,etc response was messing up.
So following the information i got from this post, the problem looks like solved (I'll keep testing it).