The timeit module is great for measuring the execution time of small code snippets but when the code changes global state (like timeit
) it's really hard to get accurate timings.
For example if I want to time it takes to import a module then the first import will take much longer than subsequent imports, because the submodules and dependencies are already imported and the files are already cached. So using a bigger number
of repeats, like in:
>>> import timeit
>>> timeit.timeit('import numpy', number=1)
>>> # Start a new Python session:
>>> timeit.timeit('import numpy', number=1000)
doesn't really work, because the time for one execution is almost the same as for 1000 rounds. I could execute the command to "reload" the package:
>>> timeit.timeit('imp.reload(numpy)', 'import importlib as imp; import numpy', number=1000)
But that it's only 10 times slower than the first import
seems to suggest it's not accurate either.
It also seems impossible to unload a module entirely ("Unload a module in Python").
So the question is: What would be an appropriate way to accuratly measure the import
Since it's nearly impossible to fully unload a module, maybe the inspiration behind this answer is this...
You could run a loop in a python script to run x times a python command importing numpy
and another one doing nothing, and substract both + average:
import subprocess,time
python_load_time = 0
numpy_load_time = 0
for i in range(n):
s = time.time()
subprocess.call(["python","-c","import numpy"])
numpy_load_time += time.time()-s
s = time.time()
python_load_time += time.time()-s
print("average numpy load time = {}".format((numpy_load_time-python_load_time)/n))