How do I use custom Java Annotation Processor in Gradle?

假如想象 提交于 2020-01-02 03:47:07


I've been working on a simple java annotation processor that extends AbstractProcessor.

I've been able to successfully test this using javac -Processor MyProcessor

The problem is integrating this into a simple Hello World android application using Android Studio.

I started by making a new Android Project, and then adding a separate module where I place all my annotation processor code (the MyProcessor class as well as the custom annotation it uses).

I then added this new module as a dependency of the HelloWorld android project.

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    compile project(':MyProcessorModule')

How do I then use the processor to generate code based on all the source files in the HelloWorld application?


there's a plugin to make it work. It works perfectly with modules that are on Maven, not sure about local .jar files, but you sure give it a try:

here the plugin page:

and here my build.gradle with it:

buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
        ... add this classpath to your buildscript dependencies
        classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.4'

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: '' << apply the plugin after the android plugin

dependencies {
    // in dependencies you call it
    apt ''
    compile ''

and it should work.


Use the android-apt plugin. Better yet, fork a sample project that already uses the android-apt plugin for developing local annotation processors.

Read about the sample project here.


what you are doing is perfectly right, here is an example of one of my projects that I use as a library:

dependencies {
    compile project(':boundservice')

of course what you should do also is to define the module you added your library as

android-library plagin and not application.

This should happen automatically if you do it using the New Module -> Android Library option, but maybe as this project, as I understand... has nothing to do with Android you should just chose the Java Library option.

When you do that and sync the build.gradle file (maybe a little clean build should help as well) you should be able to use your class files in the Android project.

