Consider the following code
i = 3
j = i
i = 4 # j != i
However, what I want is
i = 3
f <- function(x, j=i)
x * j
i = 4
f(4) # 16, but i want it to be 12
In case you are wondering why I want to do this you could consider this code - the application is a multiple decrements model. The diagonals of a transition matrix are the sum of the other decrements in that row. I would like to define the decrements I need than calculate the other functions using those decrements. In this case, I only need uxt01 and uxt10 and from these I want to produce the functions uxt00 and uxt11. I wanted something that scales to higher dimensions.
Qxt <- matrix(c(uxt00=function(t=0,x=0) 0,
uxt01=function(t=0,x=0) 0.05,
uxt10=function(t=0,x=0) 0.07
uxt11=function(t=0,x=0) 0), 2, 2, byrow=TRUE)
Qxt.diag <- function(Qxt) {
ndecrements <- length(Qxt[1,])
for(index in seq(1, N, N+1)) { # 1, 4
Qxt[[index]] <- function(t=0, x=0, i=index, N=ndecrements) {
row <- ceiling(index/ndecr)
row.decrements <- seq( (row - 1)*N + 1, (row)*N)
other.decrements <- row.decrements[which(row.decrements != i]
function(f) f(t,x))))
This can be done by assigning the default expression for the formal parameter j
manually, after creating the function:
i <- 3;
f <- function(x,j) x*j;
## function(x,j) x*j
## $x
## $j
formals(f)$j <- i;
## function (x, j = 3)
## x * j
## $x
## $j
## [1] 3
i <- 4;
## [1] 12
This is only possible because R is an awesome language and provides you complete read/write access to all three special properties of functions, which are:
- The parse tree that comprises the body: body().
- The formal parameters and their default values (which are themselves parse trees): formals().
- The enclosing environment (which is used to implement closures): environment().
Assign it to a different variable if you want to reuse i
default_value = i
f = function(x, j = default_value)
x * j
i = 4
f(4) # 12
of course, you should not let this variable just lying around — that’s as bad as the original code. You can make it “private” to the function, though, by defining both together in a local environment:
f = local({
default_value = i
function(x, j = default_value)
x * j